If you saw how fit I am today, at 77, you might think I’m one of those sportive types who love to sweat and push themselves physically. But you’d be wrong, totally wrong. I so dislike exercise (let alone sweating!) that I have to trick myself into doing it. I think it’s fair to say: […]
Our Unknowable Face
// dsaw_admin // Aging, Essays
It’s natural to assume that our image in a mirror or photo is what others see when they look at us. We think we’re seeing reality. And yet, for many reasons, we’re likely to be wrong. In fact, when we have a chance to view ourselves as a stranger might, we may not even recognize […]
Older And Better
// dsaw_admin // Aging, All, Essays
Old age (whenever you think it begins) is commonly seen as an inescapably depressing, downward slope toward death, accompanied by a continuous string of losses. Who wouldn’t dread it? I am now 77 — old by most definitions — but I’ve been surprised to find the changes I notice aren’t any greater than those I’ve […]
Taking on Ageism
// dsaw_admin // Aging, All, Essays
I force myself to be scrupulously honest in my writing — pushing beyond comfort, if need be — but for years I’ve avoided revealing my age to readers. I worry that false stereotypes about aging will keep them from identifying with me. Recently, though, I’ve been thinking of coming clean. When I brought up this […]